Sunday, June 27, 2010

For Such a Time as This

When we find ourselves in difficult situations, it may be to accomplish something good. This is a lesson we learn from a young Jewish girl in the Old Testament book of Esther.

Esther, is a young Jewish girl who lives with her uncle, Mordecai, after the death of her parents. When King Ahasuerus is looking for a new queen, he commands that all beautiful virgin girls be brought to his harem. Esther is among those chosen and soon finds favor with the king. Esther is made the new queen.

Haman, the an official in the king's court, dislikes the Jews and plots to have all of them killed. Mordecai, upon hearing of the plot, contacts Esther and asks her to speak to the king. Esther, realizing that perhaps she has been placed in this situation, "for such a time as this" goes to see the king. Seeking an audience with the king can mean death if the does not grant the audience.

This time, the king listens to Esther and puts an end to the plot and orders Haman to be hanged. The Jewish holiday of Purim, celebrates this story.

Always remember, that in any situation, no matter how dire, God can use you to accomplish something good.