Sunday, October 4, 2009

Trading a Tent for a Mansion

One by one, some of the residents of the homeless camp came up to the table for a hot dog, a snack and a drink. After a time, it seemed that everyone was satisfied so we turned off the grill and began to clean up.

But then this fellow, Mike approached. We had seen Mike on occasion and knew that he had a drinking problem. Today was no exception. Mike was really struggling and we knew he needed something to eat and cup of coffee. He was angry, but he took the food. Holding a conversation was difficult and sprinkled with profanity. Eventually he settled down and opened up about his life.

I recognize that he was impaired, but there was something about the pain in his voice that he genuinely knew that he had made a mess of his life and that God must be angry with him. I heard God speaking to me and that God wanted me to tell Mike about Jesus and God's plan of salvation. We went down the Roman Road. And although it was a bump ride with a some detours, I managed to keep Mike on the Road.

Considering Mike's condition, I'm not completely sure he got it completely. But I think so. Perhaps I gave him enough to think about. Perhaps the angels are rejoicing in Heaven tonight.

And as I left the camp I thought, if something were to happen to Mike tonight I am comforted that Mike would be welcomed into God's Heaven.

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